Sunday, 17 June 2007

Dinnertime Success.

It took but one night of hardship. Just one night. Since that one tempestuous and morally questionable night Fuzzy Wuzzy has sat down at each meal and eaten the food I have put forward. Three nights in a row he has done it and I am very pleased. Lishy Dishy grudgingly admits success but still feels the method was far too cruel.

The first night was pizza and garlic bread, an easy meal. He always eats this.

Second night was butter Chicken with veges and rice. I fully expected a battle royale. But it was not to be. Mouthful after mouthful of spicy curry was utterly demolished.

Tonight I gave the Weber grill a first try and did a Lamb roast. He normally eats a lamb roast and veg with ease because all the food gets pureed together with gravy. It was big chunks of meat and veg with gravy on top. No argument. Straight down the hatch.

I am pleased as punch.

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