Friday, 23 November 2007


Stare Bear has popped off the breakfast bumps after only a year. He is a much better eating baby than the other two were. So I suppose he is easily getting everything he needs from the food we give him.

You see, unlike the other two, Stare Bear HATES to eat canned baby food. He does love pureed family food though. So each dinner has a portion put in the blender for him. He loves it dearly. He especially loves Lamb Roast. Just like his old man.

So, the boobs are in full itch mode and Lishy is praying she doesn't get the evil mastitis.

Isn't it genius how that word contains 'tit'.

Monday, 5 November 2007

A Minor Vent

The good wife and I recently had some bi fold doors installed in the house.

They look great but they do need some work. Of course there is a small list of niggles about the general workmanship but by and large we have gotten what we paid for.

Until Yesterday.

Fuzzy Wuzzy, tearing up the joint like a 3 year old is want to do, got his shoe caught underneath one of the doors. A moment of tugging and his foot was free. This was sufficient to unseat the whole door and bring it crashing down on his head.

Luckily the door hit the back of the sofa and didn't go all the way to the ground. I am in dread to think what would have happened if it did. Fuzzy Wuzzy had a bright red ear and he was freaked out. But it soon passed and he was back to tearing up the joint.

Examining the door I found that one of the mounting holes for the track rollers at the top had been drilled too large, so the installer had stuck a roll of cardboard in the hole to make it smaller. There must have been enough give in it to allow the door to tilt off it's base and fall out. Both the mounting hole and the door track itself were bent out of shape from the weight of the door. Coincidentally, the door will have to be completely replaced now the wood has been essentially gouged out at the top.


We'll see what comes of the visit this week from the shop we bought it from. No no, I'll not name names for now.